Persuade Be Convincing

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  1. Aristotle's Pathos, Ethos, and Logos
  2. Cialdini's Persuasive Pillars

Smartphones are everywhere. Sales of the devices topped 1.43 billion units in 2021, yielding $448 billion in revenues (Statista).

Most people credit visionary Apple founder and CEO Steve Jobs with this world-changing invention. He was at the helm of Apple when the first iPhone launched in June 2007. What few people know is that he resisted the idea of the iPhone for years and was never a fan of external, not-developed-by-Apple apps, a market worth $85.1 billion in 2021.

Whom do we thank for the devices we all carry in our pockets? Thank Jobs’s senior executives and their persuasive skills. As Adam Grant writes in a 2021 Harvard Business Review article, “Almost every leader has studied the genius of Jobs, but surprisingly few have studied the genius of those who managed to influence him."

Persuasion is the art of convincing someone to see something as you do—in a way that makes them want to act.

In business, persuasion advances ideas and gets work done. The notion that “great ideas sell themselves” is wishful thinking. Even iPhone-level ideas need persuasive expression.

Persuasive business communication—sales pitches, project proposals, cover letters, job interviews, or motivational speeches—convinces an audience to take a particular course of action, buy a product, or support a particular idea or proposal.

The three rhetorical strategies are pathos, using emotion and values; ethos, using credibility and trust; and logos, using logic, reason, and proof.

Persuasive messages are generally unsolicited, submitted to an audience that has not previously considered the author’s ideas. Therefore, persuasive communicators must emphasize the benefits to the audience, employing timeless persuasive techniques: pathos, ethos, and logos.

Section OneAristotle's Pathos, Ethos, and Logos


Pathos influences through sentiment and emotion. The field of behavioral economics, pioneered by psychologists Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman, continues to produce research that indicates emotions affect our decision making. Harvard Kennedy School researcher Jennifer S. Lerner and her research partners from UC Riverside and Claremont McKenna College demonstrate the following in their research on emotion and decision making: Although we all think we make rational decisions, most of us evaluate alternatives with our gut and emotions. As you communicate persuasively, make your audience feel something about even the most data-intensive proposal. Marketers know that customers buy people, not products, so you should make a human connection with your audience.

As Aristotle defined it, pathos is sentiment of any sort, although feelings that produce sympathetic, emotional reactions are most useful. For-profit corporations and non-profits use pathos to appeal to potential customers’ or donors’ emotions.

Zillow Pathos Example: To see a good example, click here.

Pathos can also invoke future happiness. Medical practices use pathos because health issues can be scary. For example, hospitals use pathos in ads that show contented parents staring lovingly at their new baby; the hospital is trying to persuade parents that they’ll feel that same happiness by using the hospital’s maternity services.

Emotional Logo Examples

The Tesla logo has the words "Ride free" beneath it. The Amazon logo is above the words "Work hard. Have fun. Make history." The North Face logo has the words "Never stop exploring" beneath it. The Nike logo is above the words "Just do it."

Well-known brands use emotionally appealing slogans like these. Why? They have a simple, emotional appeal.

To persuade your audience with pathos, analyze how they will identify with the emotion. Use simple language, an emotional tone of voice, emotionally charged visual aids, and stories.

Establish an emotional connection with your audience, but do not use pathos alone. Audiences quickly pick up on emotional appeals and do not want to feel manipulated. As you seek to humanize yourself and your message, remember to include plenty of ethos and logos with your pathos.


Although audiences generally decide based on pathos, the persuasion becomes stronger with ethos, which uses trustworthy information to persuade. To persuade with credibility, you could use influencers, your own subject-matter expertise, and external-source credibility.


Brands commonly use ethos by working with a celebrity or expert—an influencer whom the audience sees as credible or trustworthy. They hope that by working with a household name, some of the influencer’s magic dust will settle on the product they’re advertising.

A 2023 report published on Statista points out that influencer marketing is exploding: the 2022 influencer market value was $16.4 billion in US dollars, doubling its 2019 numbers. The report states, “As influencer endorsement continues to mature as an industry, the size and value of influencer marketing platforms also continue to expand every year, making collaborations between brands and creators more profitable than ever.”

To read more about the top influencers and what makes an influencer credible, click here. Do you believe influencers are genuinely credible?

Judiciously use authoritative experts to convince your audience so you do not fall prey to fallacious appeals to authority. Just because an influencer says a product is great does not make that fact so. Emotion plays a large part in authority—we validate our admiration if the celebrities are correct, so we find every reason to believe them. Do better—do your homework to seek credible influencers to enhance your reputation.

Personal Subject-Matter Expertise and Credible Sources

If you are a subject-matter expert, cite and rely on your resume credibility but add support from other credible experts, citing exactly who they are and why they are also experts.

Avoid the misleading appeal to anonymous authority—phrases like studies say, experts say, or research shows hide the source.

Using and citing credible sources strengthens both the message and your credibility as a communicator. To establish ethos, UNICEF USA states its credentials like this: “UNICEF USA is rated one of the best charities to donate to: Less than 4% of every dollar spent goes to administrative costs.” It then cites its ratings from charity watchdog organizations.

Establish ethos by using credible secondary sources. Evaluate your information to ensure source credibility. Establishing your sources' credibility enhances your personal ethos.


Logos persuades with logic, reasoning, and evidence.

However, learn how to avoid misapplying logos—committing logical fallacies.

These fallacies appear everywhere: in the business press, in the speeches of world leaders, in conversations in the lunchroom. Unless you inoculate your own messages from such faulty thinking, you risk losing credibility with well-educated audiences.

Rhetological Fallacies Activity

With a partner, go to Information is Beautiful’s Rhetological Fallacies infographic. Identify three fallacies and find examples of them on social or other public media. Do you fall prey to them? Why or why not?

Ethos, Pathos, and Logos Example

Section TwoCialdini's Persuasive Pillars

A cartoon key is made up of the words "commitment," "reciprocity," "social proof," "authority," "liking," "scarcity," and "unity."

Professor Robert Cialdini is widely known for his research on persuasion and his six pillars of persuasion. In 2017, he added a seventh pillar—unity—in his book Pre-Suasion.

Supported by decades of careful psychological experiments, Cialdini’s conclusions are summarized in these seven keys to persuasion. As you read about each pillar, consider that it has a counterfeit, a downside. Avoid counterfeits so your audiences do not feel manipulated.


People will be more inclined to do something if they pre-commit to it. Streaming platforms like Netflix, Spotify, and Disney+ are prime examples of commitment. Subscribers pay a monthly fee to access a vast content library.

Commitment is reinforced by convenience and personalization: users can create personalized profiles, curate playlists or watch lists, and receive tailored recommendations based on viewing or listening habits. This level of customization and convenience fosters a sense of investment and commitment among subscribers.

Predispose your audience to accept your call to action simply by asking them to commit to something: attending a presentation or reviewing your resume, for example.

Any powerful tool can have a downside, however. In your own decision-making, guard against an escalation of commitment or commitment bias, a fallacy manifested by a continued investment of time, energy, and money in failing projects (i.e., throwing good money after bad).


This pillar is like a quid pro quo: give something to get something. It is often referred to as “the favor bank.” Human beings tend to keep a mental ledger of who owes them what. If you deposit favors into the bank, you’re more likely to withdraw the cooperation you need.

For instance, a brand might host a giveaway on social media platforms where followers are required to like and share the post and tag friends in the comments to enter the contest. By doing so, the brand is leveraging the principle of reciprocity, providing a chance to win a desirable prize. Doing so creates a sense of obligation or gratitude among participants. Followers feel more inclined to engage with the brand's content and share it with their network to reciprocate the brand's generosity.

The potential downside here is an appeal to guilt—attempting to make someone feel guilty for not reciprocating. What distinguishes persuasion from manipulation is that the audience benefits from the call to action.


Everyone wants to fit in, so people generally do what they perceive their peers to be doing. In a famous experiment, Cialdini and his research team tried different techniques to convince hotel guests to reuse their towels. Of all the strategies, telling a hotel guest that most guests in the same hotel reuse their towels was the most successful. 

Platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter prominently display trending topics, hashtags, or videos that are generating high engagement and views. These trends often include dance challenges, comedic skits, or popular challenges that users participate in and share with their followers. The sheer number of likes, comments, and shares serves as social proof that the content is captivating and worth sharing.

Beware, however, the lemming effect—going along to get along. Social proof, when not harnessed to an audience-enhancing end, is mere peer pressure.


This pillar closely aligns with Aristotle’s ethos. A person whose authority your audience trusts is the most persuasive advocate for a course of action. Celebrity, medical, and academic endorsements use this technique.

A relatable appeal to authority involves influencers or experts endorsing or recommending products, brands, or causes. Whether it's beauty influencers, gaming influencers, or celebrities, influencers’ authority and expertise hold significant sway over preferences and purchasing decisions.

On the flipside, avoid appeals to anonymous authority: phrases like experts say or research proves are fake attempts to sound authoritative.


Similar to social proof and authority, liking relies on the relationship between the audience and the influencer. Some charities leverage this tactic at a neighborhood level: they find a sympathetic donor and then ask that person to send personalized donation requests to her closest friends and neighbors. The result? A 56% response rate, compared to about 30% from impersonal requests.

The liking strategy does not lend itself to quick, in-the-moment application. If you want to secure a raise, build a relationship with your manager: go to lunch together, regularly offer sincere compliments, help them, and get to know them. Then when you ask for a raise, your boss will be influenced by their positive feelings toward you.

The caution with this strategy is that we are wired to like people who are similar to us. This tendency, which social scientists call homophily, can easily—even unintentionally—become tribalism, discrimination, or xenophobia.

Mirroring Tip

Did you know that we subtly alter our communication style to match the style of the person we’re communicating with? Communication accommodation means we change our rate of speech, adjust our eye contact, and gesture differently based on our audience’s verbal and nonverbal behaviors.

The most common accommodation is to converge. For example, if your manager uses formal terminology and avoids slang, you’ll start to do the same thing when speaking to her. Convergent communication reduces the social distance between people and thus facilitates liking.

On the other hand, we sometimes deliberately diverge—avoid matching the other person’s communication style. Suppose a teammate is using an impatient or irritated tone, facial expression, and gesture to describe a frustrating problem. You might choose an exaggeratedly calm, reasonable communication style in hopes of defusing the situation. Your strategy might work, but it probably won’t endear you to your teammate.

Skillfully accommodating others’ communication styles requires paying close attention to their verbal and nonverbal cues. Depending on the situation, effective communicators purposefully use convergent or divergent communication styles with myriad audiences.


Marketers use this tactic all the time: Last chance! Limited-time offer! Act now to receive your order by tomorrow! Scarcity is one of the most heavily researched and best-documented persuasive tactics in applied psychology.

For instance, a popular sneaker brand like Nike or Adidas may release a limited-edition shoe with unique designs, colors, or materials. These sneakers are typically produced in limited quantities and are highly sought after by sneaker enthusiasts and collectors. The scarcity of these limited editions creates a sense of urgency and exclusivity, driving consumers to compete to own a rare, coveted item.

If a genuine element of scarcity is part of your pitch, pointing it out to your audience will bolster your call to action.

Be careful, however. If the scarcity is exaggerated or contrived, the audience will react with derision, and you’ll lose their trust.

The psychology of scarcity is closely related to FOMO—fear of missing out. This anxiety is usually an irrational fear that convinces our subconscious that we don’t have enough or that we aren’t enough. Because they are destructive, avoid persuasive pitches based on FOMO.


Unity is about connecting an identity you share with your audience. The more you can create the feeling that you’re family—or at least, that you’re all in this together—the more persuasive you’ll be.

To make unifying connections with your audience, prime them to think about what you have in common.

Generation Z tends to be socially conscious, valuing brands that align with their beliefs and support important causes. Companies that actively support and promote social or environmental causes can prime potential customers to develop positive associations with a brand. By highlighting their commitment to making a positive impact, these brands appeal to Gen Z's values and increase the likelihood of their support.

Persuasive Pillar Activity

With a partner, find an Instagram, TikTok or other social media post from one of your favorite brands. Identify which of the persuasive pillars it uses to persuade you to use its products. Does it work?

When used ethically, Dr. Cialdini’s seven influence tactics are proven winners. Using them wisely will dramatically increase your odds of persuading your audience. Knowing them also makes you a better-informed consumer of constant, sophisticated, deceptive persuasive attempts.

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In Conclusion

As you ethically use ethos, pathos, logos, and persuasive pillars, focusing on how your audience will benefit by adopting the persuasion, your audiences will be more likely to act, ultimately benefiting them, the organization, and you.

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Bold citations are referenced in the chapter text.


Grant, Adam. “Persuading the Unpersuadable.” Harvard Business Review, March–April 2021. Accessed July 2022.

Greenwald, Anthony G., Catherine G. Carnot, Rebecca Beach, and Barbara Young. “Increasing Voting Behavior by Asking People if They Expect to Vote.” Journal of Applied Psychology, 72, no. 2 (1987): 315–18.

Lerner, Jennifer S., Ye Li, Piercarlo Valdesolo, and Karim S. Kassam. “Emotion and Decision Making.” Annual Review of Psychology, 66 (2015): 799–823. Accessed July 2022.


Aristotle. The Art of Rhetoric. London: Penguin Books Ltd, 2005.

Cameron, Kim. Positive Leadership: Strategies for Extraordinary Performance. 2nd Edition (2012). San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler.

Cialdini, Robert B. Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion. Revised edition. New York, NY: Harper Business, 2006.

Cialdini, Robert B. Pre-Suasion: A Revolutionary Way to Influence and Persuade. Simon and Schuster, 2016.

Edmondson, Amy C. The Fearless Organization: Creating Psychological Safety in the Workplace for Learning, Innovation, and Growth. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley, 2018.

Giles, Howard. Communication Accommodation Theory: Negotiating Personal and Social Identities across Contexts. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2016.

Zenger, John, Joseph Folkman, and Scott Edinger. The Inspiring Leader: Unlocking the Secrets of How Extraordinary Leaders Motivate. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2009.


McCandless, David. “Rhetological Fallacies: Errors and Manipulation of Rhetoric and Logical Thinking.” Information is Beautiful. Accessed February 2017.

Statista. "Influencer Marketing Worldwide - Statistics & Facts." Accessed August 2023.

Statista. "Smartphones - Statistics & Facts." Accessed August 2023.

UNICEF USA. About: Finances. Accessed August 2023.


Kristina Ulmer, “The Three Persuasive Appeals: Logos, Ethos, and Pathos.” Youtube, published October 20, 2016. Accessed April 2020. (Captions)

Scott Fain, “Bullet to Head - Moneyball.” Youtube, published September 14, 2012. Accessed October 2017. (Captions)